Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Radiation is over and I get my port out next week. It's been wonderful but tiring to be back at work. It's been amazing how many of my customers are cancer survivors. I had no idea there were so many of us. There are stories to be told of struggles with chemo and lost hair. One young man hasn't cut his hair for over ten years. He's not willing to part with an inch of his hair. I can't say I blame him but I think I'll get mine cut when the time comes into some cute style. Right now my hair is a quarter of an inch long so there isn't much danger of me putting the scissors to it any time soon.

Radiation was definitely easier than chemo. It gave me a fatigue I could manage. I'd get up, get my treatment, take a nap, eat lunch, and then go to work. Through it all I was able to take Lady for walks and build up my stamina. I am working part time which is plenty. Most of all I am happy and ready to face my future with hope.