Monday, March 16, 2009

On the receiving end of care

"Your broken leg sure is a lot of work," My husband exclaimed yesterday. I agree. He's had to be my chauffeur, my cook, my launderer, my go-fer, my dog-walker, and my dishwasher. Mr. D has kept up with his household chores and now he is doing mine. I can do some things like folding laundry, making my own tea, and my own personal care. I so wish that I could do more. It's almost more difficult to be on the receiving end of care than it is to be on the giving end. Mr. D at times has had his injuries and I've had to do more of his chores but that only means that I have insight into his frustrations.

Ah, yes, the truth comes out, I am frustrated. I like walking the dog. I like doing laundry with my cool, less than a year-old washer with space age buttons that is downstairs. I like driving where I want to go when I want to go. I like making the one-mile round trip to the library on foot. Those things I like and I hate asking for things. This sister wants to do it for herself!
Soooooooo, what is God trying to teach me this Lent? What am I learning? I have all the time in the world for prayer and reflection. My street is quiet. Mr. D is at work. I knew about the cross of pain and the cross of disability from knowing people who struggled with both but I don't think I knew the cross of dependence. I knew it intellectually but I didn't know it in my heart. I'm learning. I'm learning that pain is distracting. It's difficult to keep my full attention when my leg keeps reminding me of its injury. I'm learning to slow down because I can't go fast with my crutches and I'm learning that the important people will wait for me. I am more fully aware that I am loved, not only by God, but by my family and friends who are God's hands and feet. My faith community prays for me. Wow!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I love your term for the lego injury. I will surely incorporate that into my vocabulary as I'm pretty certain it will happen again. :)
